11.30 - 13.00

Perseide Room - Centro Congressi Stazione Marittima di Napoli and on stream
Simultaneous English translation is provided

The Italian shipping supply chain

Shipping, like all industrial sectors, can be understood through a careful analysis of its supply chain with the contribution of all the intellectual resources of the operators that make it up: the shipyards, the shipowners of the various flags and the seafarers. To understand the situation of Italian shipping, it is therefore necessary to examine its supply chain and its evolution over time. The objective of this unprecedented session is a review that highlights a chiaroscuro reality and calls for coordinated public-private intervention.


  • Italian Flag Fleet and Shipowners
  • Italian seafarers
  • Italian shipyards: the future is specialisation
  • The Sea Plan and the Shipping Industry
  • The International Registry: Opportunity or Danger
  • Thinking about the sea and thinking for the sea
  • Onshore infrastructure, not only docks and terminals


Francesco Maselli, Author and journalist

Institutional addresses and introduction
Mario Mattioli, President, Federazione del Mare

Keynote speech: A Maritime Country Profile of Italy
Jan Hoffmann, Head, Trade Logistics Branch, UNCTAD 

Italian maritime spatial planning, directive 2014/89/EU
Massimo Seno, Head of Legal Affairs Department, General Command of the Port Authority Corps – Coast Guard

The global shipping supply chain: vulnerability and adaptation
Alessandro Santi, President, Federagenti 

International registry tax reform
Egidio Filetto, Partner, PwC
Claudio Ferone, Director, PwC 

The human factor: are the Italian seafarers on the verge of extinction?
Luca Sisto, General Manager, Confitarma

Title TBA
Speech by Assorimorchiatori

Adm. Luciano Magnanelli, Vice President, Lega Navale Italiana (Naval League)