11.00 - 13.00

Dione Room - Centro Congressi Stazione Marittima di Napoli and on stream

The shipping technology revolution

Shipping is in full innovation phase. A specific development trend is that of on-board automation which aims to further reduce the need for personnel on long ocean voyages. The protagonists of this technological revolution are: IoT; dedicated high-density wireless networks capable of covering the entire load of a large container ship; edge computing for data consolidation; blockchain for their integrity; new low-altitude satellite internet connections; augmented reality; and teleoperators for maintenance. The growing level of geopolitical and economic competition, the spread of piracy near choke-points or transit areas, the greater technological sophistication of criminal groups, the growing threat of undeclared asymmetric warfare, while representing critical issues, primarily for security, are real boosts of innovation in commercial shipping. Acronyms such as Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing will become familiar, as will inertial systems, robotic self-defense systems, drones and anti-drones.

The session includes a vertical panel dedicated to technologies for training.


  • Technologies for training
  • Maritime autonomous system
  • Start-ups in the Sea Economy sector
  • Digital twins of ships
  • GNSS under attack: what alternatives
  • Self-defence and anti-drone systems


Maurizio De Cesare, Editor-in-Chief, Porto&Interporto

The future of navigation safety and the challenges of MASS for the Maritime Administration
Francesco Cimmino, General Command of the Port Authority Corps – Coast Guard

GSAB1 and 2 projects, towards autonomous mooring
Speech by Grimaldi

Wärtsilä Decarbonisation Services – Data-driven approach to decarbonise your fleet
Giulio Pacini, Decarbonisation Manager – Project Services, Wärtsilä

The value of the ocean and the pressures of human activities
Stefania Vigna, Head of Innovation Intelligence, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

Title TBA
Speech by ENG

Port Assessment: Operational Optimisation and Harbour Safety
Daniele Milazzo, Senior Manoeuvring Simulation Specialist, CETENA

Panasonic: empowering Italian shipping with smart, sustainable rugged solutions
Francesco Assini, Senior Project Manager, Panasonic Connect Toughbook

Digital solutions for the next generation of rules compliance
Giuseppe Zagaria, Marine Technical Director, RINA

The technological revolution in shipping VS labour world
Lorenza Paletto, Lawyer, Studio Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo and Assiterminal

Panel: Technology and training

Simulation and technology, training support for learning and developing new skills
Luca Apicella, Manager of Research and Development, Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile

La formazione del personale marittimo in relazione alle nuove tecnologie
Rosario Trapanese, Director New Development and Strategy, IMAT

Title TBA
Andrea Rubbi, CEO, C.M.A. Sistemi Antincendio

Title TBA
Fabrizio Monticelli, President, Polo Formare di Confitarma 

Title TBA
Giovanni Mase, CEO & Founder Maritime Assistance Seafarers Europe, M.A.S.E.